It's been too long since I've been back here. A couple of jobs changes, losing my house, and being undermined at every opportunity, but I AM STILL STANDING! Hopefully soon I'll have my smile back too!
I've missed having this as a release for the frustration that builds in day to day life.
I like to think that I have made a little difference, not necessarily in the social media area, but with a couple of coworkers and friends in the 'real' world.
I have multiple FaceBook accounts, as I'm sure many of you do as well. One for games (damn, I was hooked on Mafia Wars when I first joined, then came FarmTown, CafeWorld, blah, blah, blah), One for my friends and family, and one for my alter identity, religion and politics.
Well, the game account has been inactive for so long, I don't even remember the password. And the Political/Religious one has been about as active as this blog has.
But with the New Year, I intend on changing both of those.
Another change is that I seem to have gone to school with most of the fundamentalists in San Diego county, because my friends/family account feed is filled so much right-wing bullshit, both religious and political, that I've found myself spending more and more time discussing, debating, and in some cases, arguing about the topics.
I have a couple of articles I have been working on and will be posting those shortly. (I write this like I have a huge following of people, waiting on bated breath, for my next post. Are you kidding me? I only have 1 follower (myself!!! LOL), but again, this is MY therapy. Writing it like this helps ME!!! :)